Chemical Peel sounds like a science experiment, right? Well, technically it is the marriage of science and skincare that created this incredible treatment but that’s not what we are here to talk about today.

Today is all about what happens and what to expect after your first Chemical Peel. 

So often we talk about the benefits and how to prepare for a treatment but not what happens afterward, in detail that is. 

And that’s what we are here to do! Here at Advanced Skin and Body Solutions, we want to not only provide our clients with the best skincare and body treatments, but we also want to educate them on what to do after a treatment is over to ensure they reap the maximum benefits and see the results for the longest amount of time! 

So let’s dive in and talk about what to expect after your first Chemical Peel! 

What Is A Chemical Peel? 

A Chemical Peel is a medical-grade skin treatment that uses an acid formula to exfoliate and remove the top layers of skin to encourage the growth of healthy, new skin. 

This means that as your body reacts to the solution and treatment, you will notice changes in your skin as well as a peeling of the skin, hence the name. 

Unlike a facial, you won’t see the immediate benefits of a Chemical Peel until about 7-10 days after the treatment. It’s during the healing process that your body starts to react to the treatment and reveal the beautiful fresh, healthy skin underneath. 

Day 1: Immediately After A Chemical Peel

As soon as your treatment is over you will notice some redness, tingling and swelling. This is normal as your body is reacting to the treatment. It is imperative that you stay out of direct sunlight as your skin has just been compromised and is extremely sensitive. 

After a few hours the redness, swelling and tingling should reduce however you may experience these for a bit longer as your body starts the healing process. 

Important: Skincare and makeup should not be used until the treatment is completed! 

chemical peel

Days 2-4: The Healing Process

You may feel like your skin feels “tight,” dry and irritated with redness and swelling still lingering. 

Again, this is normal. Unless you are experiencing extreme redness, swelling or burning, this is all part of the process. If ever you feel like something is off, do not hesitate to connect with us for help and guidance! 

You may notice that your skin starts to produce small pimples, that is your body expelling the bad! It’s a good thing; DO NOT pop them! We know how satisfying it is to pop pimples but refrain from touching your face as much as you can. 

Continue to stay out of direct sunlight or wear a hat to protect your face. 

Days 5-7: The Peeling Begins

Some may experience the peeling much sooner than day 5, but around this time you’ll notice your skin become flaky and start to peel. Again, resist the urge to peel it off! 

This is the top layers of skin that were treated with the chemical solution. This means that the treatment is working and new, healthy and smooth skin is developing underneath! 

chemical peel

Days 8-14: The Results

FINALLY! You can now start to see the results of the Chemical Peel you received a little over a week ago!

You may still see some redness-pinkness on your face but otherwise, it should look fresh, clear and smooth!

You can now start to use a light, unscented moisturizer with SPF to ensure that your skin stays hydrated and happy! 

You most likely won’t want to use any makeup because you’ll be thrilled with your smooth, flawless complexion, but if you do, take it easy the first few days after your skin has healed. 

So Now You Know What To Expect After Your First Chemical Peel – Are You Ready To Schedule Your Treatment? 

Here at Advanced Skin and Body Solutions we will prepare a Chemical Peel treatment specifically selected for your skin needs. 

We take pride in carefully curating a skincare treatment plan for each of our clients which is why we are considered the best Bellevue, WA medspa. 

To learn more about our services and what we can offer you browse our website, follow us on social media and check out our blog page featuring articles like, Why Clear + Brilliant Is The Best Laser Treatment. 

If you’re ready to reap the benefits of a Chemical Peel, schedule a consultation today! Allow us to help you reveal glowing, healthy skin with a Chemical Peel treatment!Â